Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Senegalese friend Moussa Waly is an engineer working on problems of solid waste management. He recently sent me some photos of Tambacounda, the capital of the eastern region of Senegal, where he is working. The French captions are his.

L'avenir de ces enfants se perd dans les déchets déversés le long de la rivière Mamacounda qui traverse la ville de Tambacounda. (The future of these children is lost in the waste poured along the Mamacounda river which crosses the town of Tambacounda.)

Les déchets sont déversés impunément le long des rues et des routes. (Waste is poured with impunity along the streets and roads.)
Dans un marché de Tambacounda les déchets cotoient les denrées alimentaires. (In a Tambacoundan market, waste [cotoient?-contaminates?] the food products.)